This was my second time to the museum. Last time I went there was two years ago I was visiting the paintings which were Van Gogh’s works. He is my favors artiest. However, this time I went to visit the museum because I was curious of how American people viewed Chinese culture.
When I went into the Chinese exhibition, I could see and feel that I went back to the place where I grow up.
When I went into the Chinese exhibition, I could see and feel that I went back to the place where I grow up.
This picture is about the “Cursive hand”. Some people also called it “Grass hand” or “Grass style”. In Chinese, it pronounces “cao shū.” The real meaning of “Cursive hand” is simple writing. You can see from the picture that most of the words were done by one or two lines. They were so beautiful.
This picture is about the housing style of Tang dynasty. Tu Fu was a poor student. Can you image that Tu Fu was sitting on this chair and studying very hard during the snow days and hot summer nights through many years? If that was me, I could only sit ten minutes. I like sofa more….
This picture is about the tool of penmanship which include Chinese writing brush and ink-stone. Penmanship is one kind of art. When I was second grade, our teacher asked students to write penmanship. It is very difficult to write. That is the only thing that I understand about penmanship. However, Tu Fu wrote thousands of poetries using penmanship that were incredible.I was sitting in the garden and watching people who came to see Chinese cultures. They were very quite. Did they feel the ambience of studying of that time?
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